100% polyester anti-pill+fleece from Joann's
+ doggy pee pads underneath
Custom made popsickle sticks cavy home.
Contact bigassvegan@gmail.com, or dm @bigassvegan for more info, and to order.
Custom made Hay Feeder from C&C grids and a coroplast.
We recommend getting a Guinea Pig Habitat Plus cage (or two!).
This joint cage has 2 top panels, that were removed for the photo.
Top panels can be used to secure the cage when the caregiver are not home, and can also be used to attach more fleece forests for added enrichment and privacy.
See pic below for example.
Click on any white dot to see a link, and scroll up and down to see more examples.
Grassy Tee-Pee (large)
Custom made popsickles sticks cavy home.
Contact bigassvegan@gmail.com, or dm @bigassvegan for more info, and to order.
Custom made popsickles sticks cavy home.
Contact bigassvegan@gmail.com, or dm @bigassvegan for more info, and to order your very own custom cavy home!
Two combined Guinea Habitat Guinea Pig Cages by Midwest.
We recommend linking two of these cages for guinea pig pairs and trios, or if daily out of cage time is less then 3-4 hours.
Custom made Hay Feeder from C&C grids and a coroplast.
One for each side of the cage.
Kitchen area made out of fitted coroplast tray, covered with a newspaper and Carefresh Small Pet Bedding.
DIY C&C grids bedroom, covered with fleece forest for more privacy. Piggies love this one!!!
Custom made Hay Feeder from C&C grids and a coroplast.
One for each side of the cage.
DIY popsickle sticks fence.
Kitchen area made out of fitted coroplast tray, covered with a newspaper and Carefresh Small Pet Bedding.
Always cover this area with a towel or a sheet, to add privacy, and ensure that the piggies spend majority of their time there. Make sure Guinea Pig Pellets, water, and hay are in the “kitchen” zone for it to all work. This is as close we can get to potty training the piggies!
Grassy Tee-Pee (large)
Custom made Hay Feeder from C&C grids and a coroplast. Filled with Small Pet Select 1St Cutting "High Fiber" Timothy Hay.
100% polyester anti-pill+fleece from Joann's
+ doggy pee pads underneath.
We love using fleece for cage floors. Read more about it's use HERE.
4x2 C&C grids cage (minimum size for two guinea pigs), connected with zip ties.
C&C cages can be purchased at the Guinea Pig Market, or DIY made with C&C grids and Corrugated Plastic Sheet. Video on how to do it yourself can be seen HERE.
DIY popsickle sticks fence.
Custom made Hay Feeder from C&C grids and a coroplast. Filled with Small Pet Select 1St Cutting "High Fiber" Timothy Hay.
DIY C&C grids bedroom, draped for more privacy.
DIY C&C grids bedroom, covered with fleece forest for more privacy.
Kitchen area made out of fitted coroplast tray, covered with a newspaper and Carefresh Small Pet Bedding.
See picture above for more details!
All the pictures shown on Guinea Pig Housing pages are property of @bigassvegan